Jim Manganiello

Are You Really Awake Right Now?

Waking Dreams are dreams in which the monsters of self-doubt, hesitation and uncertainty attack us at our most vulnerable spots.

We have Waking Dreams all the time. They are driven by our thinking-mind. If we follow our thinking mind’s thoughts, we drop into a distracting narrative and storyline that we mistakenly assume is real. It isn’t.

They happen whenever we’re not aware of what is going on in our mind.

During sleep when you dream that a fierce monster is chasing you, you flee in dread and horror. Why? Because your dream View is that you’re in danger. You’re dreaming, but you’re not aware of it.

Once you wake up, your Location shifts to “awake” and your View and Reality shift accordingly. No need to look for the monsters under the bed.

You KNOW there are none. An important focus of my depth therapy work is to enable you to avoid the perils of living life in too many waking dreams. Including the danger of falling into work and relationships we just don’t believe in, but accept anyway.

We can fall into Waking Dreams during the day, dreams in which our fear, self-doubt and insecurity “monsters” chase us around—when we don’t realize “where we are in our own psychology”.

When we are unaware that we’re in a Waking Dream, we mistake these dream monsters as real. Only awareness will help us avoid and awaken from our Waking Dreams.

This post is drawn from the 2nd edition of my book Unshakable Certainty: now available at Amazon in digital format: http://dld.bz/carRs or in printed format: http://dld.bz/carQ5. If you are interested, but can’t afford the book, let me know and I will send you a digital copy to you, no charge.

Dr. Jim Manganiello ©